Saturday, May 30, 2009

An End To The Challenge. . .

I want to first thank all of you that have posted. It is nice to hear from readers and what they like and what they want to see continue. I encourage all of you to continue posting comments about story plots and what you would like to see and what you didn't care for. Criticism is welcome as well.

A few of you mentioned 'A Work Of Art'. Simmering on the back burner is the second part to the story. The problem is that I have about six possible endings to the story and have had trouble deciding which to go with. I have played with the idea of posting all of the possible endings here and on Gromet's website and letting the readers decide which ending they like best. Is that something you would like to see?

The next completed story will be 'Bounding Main' and will feature a pair of characters first introduced in the story 'Away In The Manger.' The outline is also completed for Chapter 19 of 'Summer Project' and the first stages of the second 'book' are starting to take form.

It is sort of odd that my favorite storyline has not made it into anyone's comments. 'On French Soil' captures quite a bit of what I strive for in a storyline. I hope the second 'book' for 'Summer Project' will do the same.

Please do not stop the comments from coming. They are valuable in determining what direction my writings take.

Take care



Anonymous said...

I cannot believe I forgot about "On French Soil". That was the first story of yours I read and still remains my favorite. Have to go back and reread it and would love to see more.

Anonymous said...

As much as I love your writing, I am somewhat surprised that "On French Soil" is your favorite. It's a good story, but to me it's not one of your best.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see some plot options for "A Work of Art". That is one of my favorite stories and I'd love to see what you have in mind for it.