Sunday, October 18, 2009

A Wee Bit Of A Break

With Chapter 21 of 'Summer Project' completed and awaiting an editor's red pen, I have decided to take a break before tackling another story. The partially completed 'Manacle' will have to wait until next year, I am afraid. There are several stories need sequels and new chapters as well as new ones partially completed and awaiting a rebirth into Word. You've all seen the list in my index and those are one I have more than partially completed.

From the results of the poll so far, it looks like what I am doing is what you come to see at my weblog: giving you updates and a occasional story. I also noticed that you use the links quite a bit to find websites and stories. What else would you like to see here? Expanded links to cover other bondage sites? More interaction with the author? Please let me know.

With the ending of Chapter 21, I can say with confidence that 'Summer Project' will end in the next three chapters. The plot line is going the way I want it to go and at the pace I want to go at. 'Summer Exposure' will be the next book in the series and the first chapter of that is nearly complete.

That is it for now. I hope to have the proofed copy of '21' in my hands soon. If not, I will give it one more go-over then start posting.

Take care



Anonymous said...

How exciting (:
something i would like to see on your site is links to other authors you like.

Anonymous said...

If there is anyone who deserves a break it is you. Enjoy.