Sunday, September 17, 2017

Back From The Dead

Okay a little exaggerated but I really did not have the umph to write.  I just wasn't there.  I had been posting on deviant art but they considered this blog a 'pornographic' site so I could not post anything else until I deleted all references to this blog.  I started to but it took the wind out of my sails for a long time.  However the bug as gotten to me again so I have started writing againg - a little self bondage piece called Mr. Murphy and Me.  I am over 1,000 words into it so far.  I am hoping that this will be a Phoenix act so I can finish up some story lines.  Take care and play safe.


Anonymous said...

Your're alive!
...and hopefully well!

I hope the writer's bug bites you again... and keeps on biting... and you keep on writing... ;-)

Rob said...

So glad to see you back from the dead. And more writing - even better

Anonymous said...

Overjoyed to see you writing againd I love your stories and was devastated to see them go unfinished. Hope you have as much enjoyment writing your new works as we will reading them!