Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Things In The Inbox

A New Year is approaching fast and there are several things I hope to accomplish in the coming year. First, with the completion of 'Summer Project', I will begin 'Summer Training'. I won't give up any details, but Stephanie's training as a slave to Jeffery will continue. My hopes of completing 'Do Not Disturb' over the holidays has vanished, but I still hope to complete it here very soon. I am putting the final touches on a new chapter of 'On French Soil' and hope to add more chapters to it and to 'Wrath'.

Since non-consensual works seem to be better received by my readers, a new storyline has developed in my twisted gray matter. The first chapter of 'Double Or Nothing' will appear soon. It is one of those things that I have kept in the back of my head since midway through 'Summer Project' but have never actually got to writing it. I hope to satisfy those of you out there that enjoy that sort of fiction.

As you can see my 'Index Page' is slowly evolving. I am not adept as I should be with internet technologies so it might be slow going before I get links to all the stories.

You can also see in my index that there are numerous stories that have not been completed. I hope to finish a few of them this coming year.

As always, I enjoy any comments or e-mails you wish to write. Not all websites have a comment area so the only way of letting me know what you thought is by you commenting here or through e-mails.

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and the your New Year is bright and joyous.


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