Saturday, January 22, 2011

Things n' Stuff

It is a blustery day out this way and the wind kept me awake a portion of the night and the fighting cats outside, another portion.

My computer decided to go belly-up a day or two ago and even though I have files backed-up, I hadn't backed up recently. Fortunately, I have access to the files I e-mailed out for posting and editing, so I haven't lost much. But I imagine that rebuilding the computer will be a priority today nd tomorrow.

I have completed chapter 4 of 'Summer Training' and have sent chapters 1 through 3 to have proofed. Once I have these back in my hands, I intend to post both the last chapter of 'Summer Project' and the first of 'Summer Training'. I also hope to post the first chapter of 'Double Or Nothing'.

So far, my writings have been the only 'good' thing about 2011 and I hope to keep them up.

Take care, everyone.


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