Monday, October 22, 2012

Double Or Nothing Chapter 8 Edit Done

The 8th chapter of 'Double Or Nothing' has been completed and is being sent out to various websites for posting.  The next story in the queue is my Halloween tale entitle 'Showing Some Spirit' which should also be posting soon.

     As soon as I get edits back from chapter 5 of 'Wrath' I will get those sent out as well.  After that, who knows. . .

     If you have requests, please let me know.

     Take care and play safe.



Anonymous said...

So nice to have you back, you seem like you had quite a bit stored up there, makes me want to step up my writing as well :P

NecronKnight said...

I will keep an eye out for them. I am sure they will be just as enthralling as their previous chapters. :P

I always play safe.