Sunday, September 06, 2009

Progress on 'Closure' and other things

It is the labor day weekend and I am laboring away at my 'real' job all this weekend so needless to say, I will be making very little progress on any of the porjects I have currently in the pipeline, including 'Closure'. I should be able to work on it in the near future as well as another Halloween story.

Fall is certainly here. The first turning leafs are starting to drift down and cleaning up the yard for the coming winter has made it to the top of the 'to do' list. My favorite holiday is also just a ghost's whisper away which brings my to the question of which is your favorite Halloween tale?

Think about it and let me know.

Take care and have a safe labor day.



Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the Masque very much. I'd enjoy a sequel to that one.

Anonymous said...

I hope you had a good weekend. I too worked more than played haha.

Anonymous said...

100 degrees sure does not feel like fall or make it easy to start thinking about Halloween.

When it comes to Halloween stories rather then pick one favorite, which is always so difficult, I think it easiest to just say that my favorites are the truly creepy stories. This is the one time of year where the ghosts and goblins should be able to win and a real scare is not out of place.