Sunday, January 17, 2010

Slaving Away

Well, I have got several more pages written for 'Breaking Bread' and the latest chapter to 'Summer Project'. Both are going well and I hope to complete them by the end of this month. 'Breaking Bread' is a fun self-bondage tale that came about while I was using my bread machine. I don't do a lot of self-bondage stories, but this one just sort-of started writing itself.

'On French Soil' will be the next project I need to tackle, at least add another chapter or two. It is one of those stories I have to re-read in order to get back into the 'style' of the tale.

On a side note, as I was writing 'Breaking Bread', my mind wandered a bit to remembering one of the sexiest bondage photographs I had ever seen. It was one of a young Michelle Bauer, nude, gagged and hogtied on the carpeted floor. The black-and-white photo was taken by Sean Harper and, to me, the essence of what bondage is. I was in college when I saw it for the first time and the image is still as sharp in my mind as the first time I saw it in the pages of the adult magazine.

It is funny how some things stick with you.

Take care



Charles Spencer said...

Hi Fesslein
Just to be a nuisance but can you ever see yourself continuing Wrath. I found it an excellent start to a good story and would love to read more.
Still please keep writing anyway coz it's good.
Charles Spencer

Anonymous said...

Excellent news. Eagerly awaiting Summer Project update. Keep up good work.